L'ACH (Agence Capital Humain), fondée en 2020, est une organisation innovante qui se consacre au développement et à la gestion de projets sociaux et commerciaux au Niger. Nous développons et pilotons des initiatives dans les domaines de l'éducation, de l'entrepreneuriat et de l'employabilité des jeunes. Notre approche inclut la collecte et l'analyse de données pour orienter nos actions, l'organisation de formations adaptées aux besoins du marché, ainsi que le courtage de biens et de services. En intégrant la technologie et l'impact social à travers notre approche Civitech, nous créons des solutions innovantes qui transforment les défis en opportunités, favorisant ainsi un développement durable et équitable.
En savoir plusSkilled Industry Professionals
Shared Time Human Resources Management
Duty obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted.
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We Help Businesses
Organizations Reduce risk by providing employment
Duty obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted.
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Recruit the best employees
Our search results mitigate your company's exposure
Duty obligations of business it will frequently occur that pleasures have to be repudiated and annoyances accepted.
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Our power of choice is untrammelled and when nothing prevents being able to do what we like best every pleasure.
Year of 2020
Income Statement
Certain circumstances seds owing to the claims duty righteous indignation and so beguiled.

Since 1998,
Operating in Birmingham.

Health Care Benefits
The great explorer of the truth the master builders human happiness.
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Affordable & Flexible
Must explain too you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasures praising pain was born and we will give you complete account of the system the actual teachings of the great explorer.
Read MoreAffordable & Flexible
Must explain too you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasures praising pain was born and we will give you complete account of the system the actual teachings of the great explorer.
Read MoreAffordable & Flexible
Must explain too you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasures praising pain was born and we will give you complete account of the system the actual teachings of the great explorer.
Read MoreAffordable & Flexible
Must explain too you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasures praising pain was born and we will give you complete account of the system the actual teachings of the great explorer.
Read MoreAffordable & Flexible
Must explain too you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasures praising pain was born and we will give you complete account of the system the actual teachings of the great explorer.
Contact usBronze Package
Pricing plan for startup company
Loves or pursues or desires obtain pain of itself is pain occasionally.
- 4-5 Weeks from to finish
- Data sprint
- Results revision
- 20 Days of support
- Organisational Strategy
Pricing plan for startup company
Loves or pursues or desires obtain pain of itself is pain occasionally.
- 4-5 Weeks from to finish
- Data sprint
- Results revision
- 20 Days of support
- Organisational Strategy
Pricing plan for startup company
Loves or pursues or desires obtain pain of itself is pain occasionally.
- 4-5 Weeks from to finish
- Data sprint
- Results revision
- 20 Days of support
- Organisational Strategy
Bronze Package
Pricing plan for startup company
Loves or pursues or desires obtain pain of itself is pain occasionally.
- 4-5 Weeks from to finish
- Data sprint
- Results revision
- 20 Days of support
- Organisational Strategy
Pricing plan for startup company
Loves or pursues or desires obtain pain of itself is pain occasionally.
- 4-5 Weeks from to finish
- Data sprint
- Results revision
- 20 Days of support
- Organisational Strategy
Pricing plan for startup company
Loves or pursues or desires obtain pain of itself is pain occasionally.
- 4-5 Weeks from to finish
- Data sprint
- Results revision
- 20 Days of support
- Organisational Strategy

Jacob Leonardo
Senior Manager of Excel Solution
Jacob Leonardo
Senior Manager of Excel Solution
Jacob Leonardo
Senior Manager of Excel Solution🎉 Maria Server remporte le 3e Prix de la Meilleure Innovation au SeNUM24 ! 🏆
Nous sommes ravis d’annoncer que Maria Server a été récompensé lors de la première édition de la Semaine nationale du…
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L’importance de l’éducation et de l’entrepreneuriat en Afrique
Introduction Bienvenue sur notre blog dédié à l’éducation, à l’employabilité et à l’entrepreneuriat en Afrique ! Nous sommes ravis de…
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